He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

"Or am I so sane that you just blew your mind?"

Ah, the end to another eventful weekend. This one was a bit like the month of March, in like a lion and out like a lamb. My thanks go to Teresa “Heinz Kerry” for transportation and conversation. Also thanks to John’s mom for candy.
To begin with, for those who don’t know (aka Jamie), I totaled my car last Friday. I have discovered through experience that vehicles I drive all seem to have a desire for acrobatics. Now I am going back to my first vehicle choice, small pickups, my hope is to finish this one off without ending up hanging upside down. And if you ever ride with me in a motor vehicle, make sure I keep it under 50 mph.
Just for the hell of it: TI-TAN!!!!!!!
The best part of Saturday night, other than introducing Sarah to her first steak, had to be getting my fill of naked Trey. Hadn’t seen any of that ass for over a year and I was having withdrawals.
Sunday morning I actually heard a little kid, not over the age of 9, singing a Twisted Sister song while playing on the jungle gym at West Side. That is weird, right? Oh, same kid also was the owner of a Mohawk. He is my new inspiration simply for having the balls to walk the streets. That news is sure to make Brad feel like a fool-ass-bitch without a kickass Mohawk, let alone a Mollet.
Also, just to shoot out the idea, here are a couple of name ideas for the bitching beast that will rear up from Robert’s loins. By the way, I do mean the Camaro-Blazer combo that he and Matt are producing together, not his man-parts. 1. the Alabama Slamma 2. Sanchez 3. Camo Rambo 3. General Predmore 4. Son of Yoda 5. GWAR
Yeah, just a few there. I will come up with some higher quality names once I have myself seen the beast and given it my blood and sweat. Country boys have no tears.
Oh yeah, Drew go fuck a duck. Dick, I expect to see your thoughts displayed in this form within the week's end. Peace to the Gs, I’m out.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hobbs you should be wizzing your pants in fear of what I will do to you for not coming home and seeing your mother. Also, I was able to see the great Fish on Sunday, I used him as my personal serving wench at a pancake breakfast at the Legion. I love the smell of old people.
Please note:
1. Hamline is no good, never visit.
2. Mr. Large Dong you could never go toe to toe with the real Wang let alone beer to beer. Practice with the little boys before moving up to the big dog.

9:54 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

So anyway, apparently I claimed to have a lot on my mind this weekend that I would like to spew out in blog form. Now that I'm sober, I don't seem to remember that too well. But here goes somethin. . . .
1. Logan, 2 and 3/4 is impressive, but not quite 3.
2. I witnessed the naked Trey ass this past weekend and frankly I don't feel like I missed it too much.
3. Why do I talk so much while intoxicated?
4. GWAR has to be my favorite name. So simple, yet so much animalistic undertone. (Saddam A Go Go is also one of my favorite songs)
5. To the previous poster who is calling me out (I prefer not to use their name as I feel it is a horrible misrepresentation), I accept your challenge. My ability to consume liquid is shadowed only by my love for it.
Bye lovelies

10:03 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well as made a mistake, I must come correct.
Here is the comment that I accidently deleted, I do not know my own power as master of the blog.
I do not support censorship of any kind and apoligize to the man of gigantic man-meat.
Here, in all its glory, the deleted comment:

big penis said...
I would like to say that whomever didn't see trey's ass this past weekend missed out.
One more thing, Scott Pussy if you ever read this let it be known that I challenge you to go beer for beer with me until you pass out.
2:57 PM

10:26 PM


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