He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"He is a loathesome, offensive brute. Yet I can't look away."

As I sit here unkempt and unshaven I realize that Hobbs was wrong. I am actually a sexy beast only it is not in the studly, preppy Hobbs kind of sexy. No, I am more of the Wayne Schumann crazy-ass old man sexy. Also, another Hobbs comment, I think I might just start typing in third person like the great Hobbs.

Anyway, Logan sits here wondering what to do. Anything that will keep Logan from studying for his Mass Comm test would be nice. After staring at various pictures of vehicles Logan has realizes that cars are like cell phones, fuck 'em, worthless bastards. That, or he really needs to get one.

Logan can't quite recall what it was that he started this post for and searching for its purpose. But isn't that really the of all existance for all people? Hehe. Logan loves it when people make obvious statements about life such as the previous and then think they are being philisophical. If man is nothing but an animal, then how can cannibalism not be legal?

How can it cost a student at Winona $500 a semester to use a Laptop that they are forced to take? My PC as a whole was just over $600, then again it is more infected than the strippers of Four Mile or Janer after her 12th gangbang in as many weeks.

F.Y.I Shane and Logan ARE back together, so quit asking them.

Also the master of this blog has changed it so that you do not have to be a member to leave a message, not you can have all sorts of aliases. That should be useful for the Dick so that his drunk alterego can talk at great lengths and never be associated with him


Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

this is scott's not-alter-ego chymin in to say that it could be very possible to hear the drunk rantings of mineself this weekend. you see, it's homecoming, and it's fair enough to say right now that the greater area of MSU campus and off campus will be under marshall law both friday and saturday nights. i thought past weekends have been bad where it was impossible to travel a few blocks without seeing johnny-popo, but i can just picture one on every street corner. there will be a fine scent of bacon blanketing mankato. no matter where you go, don't forget to look over your shoulder. what's that moving in the shadows? ok, i guess i'm being a little hard on our keepers of the peace. but i think the likelihood of a riot happening again is none to none. they just don't want to let us kids have our fun. if a cop chases me i'm going to run. enough of the rhyming, my comment is done.

10:05 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

True, beard = sexy. But as Weinerface stated, not young lady ass sexy. Instead this is the sort of sexy that gets your face rubbed by older women. I have had my fill of saggy ass and socks filled with sand boobs, and therefore don't have the beard.
But imagine if Wayne did. That would be one sexy red beard.

10:05 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

by the way, shameless promotion time
come tell me you love me

10:10 PM


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