He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"A sexually depraved miscreant who is seeking only to gratify his basest and most immediate urges."

My fellow Americans, there are terrible ways to do a good thing. Vote Horseface and Pretty Boy in November. I am being serious here. It'd be better than a vote for Retard and the Spawn of Satan.

Update on me: I am now the owner of the most redneck small pickup in Minnesota. A 1987 S-10 with a wooden extension on the box, I am thinking that I should create some rust for it and paint it orange.
Also, I am actually enjoying wrestling a bit more now. As soon as you start cutting weight it becomes a fun time. I should get a fake though so I can go out to the bars with the other fellas and get in more fights. Someone should hook that up for me cause I am a little busy.
Classes still blow, and I still can't do any work. It has been decided that the world will finally see the truth and discover that organized education is worthless. A person must experience the world to learn anything about it. So I think the rest of my teaching education should be spent hanging out with Doug Yost during the day and smoking stogies while playing golf with Mike Mazzitelli. I would be the best damn teacher alive not to mention the third coolest person ever just for being associated with these pimp motherfuckers.

Update on the rest of you: You rock like a armadillo on crack. Party like a rockstar.

Update on the all-knowing Jeff: That brotha gone be pimp-slapping his way to the top of the Physical Education ladder in too quick a time to stop. Kid be corrupting the little ones with his drunken jibberjabber before we can put a wheel clamp on his white ass. But it's cool babies.

Anything else: Nope

Kerry/Edwards 2004, this shit ain't a game.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hmm, rum and coke, bacardi razz. Grow a pair between the two of you. Brad knows that our greatest experiences have come from a bottle of Jag and a good bit o whiskey.
I will say, anything from the brandt-dog is certainly soured. I was thinking that since I lost my boxing gloves in the accident, I will just have to bring my fist-fighting skills back to Eyota. Brandt can be my victim again like last summer.
Yoda, Stogies, Forest, Guns, Gardens, Girlies = Good times.

10:41 PM


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