He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Contrary to Popular Belief...

Fighters and other trained athletes don't always need to lift weights. I haven't lifted weights since some time last spring. Apparently I got bigger just from working all summer though. Throwing grown men around at practice probably helped some too. Now that I am back at school, I might need to take it up again. But I will only do squats, cleans, deadlifts, and a couple of explosive lifts.
Hehe, like anyone who reads this cares about weightlifting. Good times.

I picked up two CDs for under $20 yesterday. I felt that shopping was a productive use of my free evening that I happened to come upon. Anyway, I got the Plain White T's cd (not bad, poppy, but not bad), and I stumbled across a best of Jimi Hendrix disc. Normally, I wouldn't purchase such things, but this beast had twenty songs for $10. It has been fabulous to me. I've listened to it 3 times straight through so far.
The rest of my evening was spent collecting llama manure, so that I can make the most fabulous compost around. After dropping that off at the grandparents Clark and feeding my lambs, I was off to Whitewater. My late evening time was wisely wasted up on Inspiration Point reading Midnight's Children and generally being chill. You would have enjoyed it, and you know it.

Fisher is quite the bass player, and Nate isn't too shabby with his guitaring.



Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

what follows is an ignorant comment: start lifting you pussy. hendrix rules. (i just thought you might like a little attention, it's owed since you still read me.)

11:43 PM


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