He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sept. 2, 2006 vs. Chuck Parmalee

(I don't know if anyone who still reads this page cares about my fighting, but I wrote this for a different site, so I might at well post it here.)

I fought last weekend in Sioux Falls for Chris Christianson's Cage Inc. promotion. This was my first fight with this particular promotion, and this was a fight that they had been trying to set up for some time.

Parmalee was 13-2 coming into this fight. We expected him to try and strike fight with me or to attempt to go for an armbar if the fight went to the ground. But he was apparently not fully aware of my wrestling experience, so he seemed to go against the striking in favor of taking me down and going for the submission.

I sprawled and caused him some damage with knees and hammer fists. When I did go to the ground, I was able to sit back and avoid his attempts to control me or work the armbar.
From there, I just worked on my gnp and eventually got side control. After a large number of elbows and punches, he decided that he had had enough. I had thought that the fight would get stopped earlier, but I think the ref was letting ti go because he was a local guy and it was close to the end of the round.
It officially ended with six seconds left in the round. Apparently, I can punch hard enough to hurt people and make them want to stop fighting but not enough to knock them out.

Hopefully, they will invite me back for another fight with this promotion.



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