He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, April 17, 2006

America is "Special"

We have to be taught how to do anything. My brothers used to claim that I had no common sense, but I would now contend that even then (I still claim that I just chose not to use the common sense that I had) I was better off that most of us in America. I was watching the Weather Channel today (well, scanning through), and there was some sort of home improvement show on. On the segment I caught, we were being taught how to USE A LADDER. Yep, complete with readings of the warning stickers and an explanation of why not to go above the step marked "do not stand on this step." Going beyond the fact that they put in full steps and then tell you not to stand on them, did any of you not know how to use a ladder before this?

Darn it, the Gangs of New York is now on television, and I really want to go to Great River Bluffs State Park. Oh, and I need to read End Game by Beckett sometime today. I should finish up Love Medicine as well. It seems like there was something to do for a couple of other classes as well. I'll have to look into whatever assignments those were. My, this is a good movie.

Red Vines are probably the best licorice ever.

Henry Weinhard's is still the best Root Beer in the world.

Captain Morgan is the best booze ever.

Water is the best liquid ever.

So....drink lots and have a merry day.



Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

yea for comments! i would like to say that sometimes it is moreso the inverse of what you say. america is crafty and chooses to get money the easy way. thanks to our wonderful system of laws we can find any simple hole to remove responsibility from ourselves and place it on others in the form of large fines and rewards. thanks to our american laws, we can no longer say such a thing as "common sense" even exists. i myself am a large advocate of common sense though. i wish i could punch all people that lack common sense or like the value of personal responsibility. maybe that statement lacks common sense though.

10:18 PM


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