He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Comin' correct with the Pimpstep.

There are seven different levels to devil worship and horses' heads

I must say I am living the high life up here in the cold zone although the walk across campus is a bit of a hassle. This contentedness comes after a friday where my sole commitment was to cross the bridge for a brief workout. Luckily, I found time before midnight to visit the hiccup cup where I left the steak and pork I had just recently consumed.

Anyway here are seven seemingly random thoughts that have occured to me in recent times:
1. I am selfish, notice that I even put this one #1 in this list. Never let me have thoughts placing myself above anyone else. No one person should ever be more valued than any other. Good policy that was brought back to my thoughts after a very particularly stimulating, yet somehow worthless, discussion in class one day. 20,000 is greater than 2
2. Higher taxes are a good thing, especially if used in a fiscally responsible way. I am a fan of service/aid programs that help people but do not create dependent peoples. That is tough thing to pull off I know, but I have faith that it can be done.
3. Read Bless Me, Ultima sometime; a lovely coming of age story. Sure to give a thrill.
4. Sacrifice, that and hard work. These are the two of the most valuable things a person can develop. A person willing to work hard for others is a person to meet, marry, and love for life. I was going to make a long explanation of this, but...yeah.
5. Steak is a good thing. Prepared properly and without steak sauce. The only thing better than meat and potatoes is...
6. Everyone should have a vision problem. Putting on pair of contacts can be an amazingly cathartic experience because it takes you away from drab thoughts to see that great and detailed beauty of the world around you.
7. Gardening makes a sexy person. The sense of purpose and rewards in this endevor put a smile on your face that is never quite matched except by love. Which in turn means that Janer must have a field of string beans that she is raising some where.

I have more, but I must shower and prepare to meet the great demands of the food service industry.

Kerry/Edwards '04


Blogger Logan Clark said...

I think you two are the only ones who look at this crap, you should feel special. Um, I think I should edit that number 1 it made me feel like a pussy just typing it.
And I can't do the Catholic thing, I was thinking maybe consultant to the Dali Llama. But then I realized that I was giving myself to much credit.

9:41 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

fuck emily

p.s. i like to post on here too, it's just that i never have a computer handy when my wonderful thoughts come spewing from my mind

10:36 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

These blog things are weird, now my last comment and hobbs last comment have disapeared, i have a blog hacker. Damn.
Oh Sarah, I typed only in jest.

3:29 PM


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