He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, October 25, 2004

"Everything I've ever done or said is the complete opposite of what I've wanted."

Greeting from Cloudtown. This drab, desolate plain of existence that is a college campus. Nah, it's pretty. It is just your basic college campus, but that isn't enough to keep me around I think. If I am going to have to suffer through classes, I might as well go to school at a place where I can get work done on other parts of my life. And so as follows are the three possibilities for continuing my education:

1. Stay on in this place. It is pretty cheap after all.
2. Quit wrestling, and wait until Christmas. Then head on down to Winona State and make sweet love to Baby Shane for a couple years. The school is a lovely place as is the surrounding countryside. A bit more expensive, but I would be near home and be able garden.
3. Become a townie. I am thinking of spending a semester going to school at the Rochester campus. I would either be an RCTC student and finish up my generals, then transfer to Winona next year. That would save more money. Alternet is to go to Winona State at Rochester. I could work with them to get major stuff done at the Roch campus.

So...hmm...working that one out.

Next order of business. Do you think that, since in Europe wages are taxed so heavily, I could earn enough money here in a few short years that I could go over there with all my American cash and live for a few years without having to work? And that they would be required to take me in on their health care plans if I file for residency but still don't get a damn job. That way I could by an i-pod and spend a couple years running the scottish highlands while listening to bagpipe music or basejump off norweigan cliffs while making out with a hot blond scandinavian with small breasts.

This last weekend Bob made me do his dirty work and I feel that I will be forever shamed for my actions. Luckily, I have been ashamed of myself all my life and therefore will be content to continue in my miscreant ways.

Jamie, nice job showing those Hamline boys a good time, they had better at least gotten some ass from your skank sister and her boyfriend. The Rock is totally hotter than Vin Diesel. And he can actually grow hair if he wants unlike that bald ass old man. Dougie is the man too.

Last fact for the night: I have the worst luck ever with vehicles. What are the odds that my truck would choose to vomit up a fan in the middle of the hellhole that is Blaine? How dare it cost me many hours of money making and the chance to get a friggin haircut. I look like a buffoon.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Um...LaCrosse is too expensive for me. Winona is at least a little cheaper. Plus, I probably wouldn't get into your ultra-exclusive school of smarties. The people, not the candies.

7:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Thanks my baby Hobbs. But I would put you up there too. By the way some of my lady friends want to meet you after hearing about your first puking experience.
It's cool babies.

7:21 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Good of you to join us Drew. It is true that some do not know you, but if they don't, they must suck. You already know pretty much all the cool kids from Eyota and the rest of the town would just disapoint you. Except maybe some of the skanks, I know the kind of woman you like. I do not know if our skanks compare to the skanks in your homeland. Sample them and let us know.

8:28 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Good of you to join us Drew. It is true that some do not know you, but if they don't, they must suck. You already know pretty much all the cool kids from Eyota and the rest of the town would just disapoint you. Except maybe some of the skanks, I know the kind of woman you like. I do not know if our skanks compare to the skanks in your homeland. Sample them and let us know.

8:28 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

All the cool people in Eyota know you already, who cares about the rest? Good of you to join us on the forum. Greetings and good fortune to you.

11:11 AM


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