He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I think....

that blogs die during the summertime. You lazy bastards.

I would do political commentary, but you folks either don't care or don't care.

I would do personal stories, but that is boring.

I would put down poetry, but it sucks.

I would rant about everything, but that is just to whiny.

I would just quit, but I would be sad.

So, instead, I will just type. I guess that is just a continuation of what I have always done. So much for analysis and change. Darn.



Blogger Unknown said...

Don't forget about the Memorial Day event at Oxbow.

Are you planning to car pool with Molly and I to Emily's graduation party?

9:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to my par-tay! We got tacky decorations and they're absolutely amazing. My Blog will die this summer sorry to say. But I'll try and get to it at least once or twice and then it'll be up and running in the fall. SO until then Adeiu Adieu Adieu!

6:16 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, I will call you today.

Em, you will get no money from me as I am giving my gift in the form of the fossil fuels that get me there and my presence. That is almost like presents.

7:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds great. I already have lots of cash and a few scholarships. As for your presence, try not to be too embarassing. Or do. I'll never see these people again

2:09 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

A pretentious braggard, you are all that I once was deemed to be. You have to believe to achieve.

1:33 AM


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