He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Educational disfunction

I suppose I should write this post up as I once claimed I would (then, maybe, I can get to the others that I claimed I would write) and I don't like to lie. The following is in response to my lovely cousin Em and the following comment:
"nope, don't buy it for a second...in large schools there are more activities offered...more variety to find something for EVERYONE...making EVERYONE a leader. hah, now i'm not even arguing my point anymore. Oh well...one word sums all...Bah!"
I can tell that we already have an advantage on you with this argument as you could not even put your view into a coherent thought. But I will still take some time to shoot it down.
We can look at this using simple math (and you all know how I love math). In your school there are approximately 2,000 students (? I actually have no idea, your school website isn't very helpful nor is the MSHSL (by the way, your principal is writing about the greatness of JPII in his "Principal's Corner")). So, conservatively estimating, you have almost as many kids in each grade as I had in my entire school. The ratio of activities offer by your school to my school is much less than the 4 to 1 ratio that you have on student activities. How dare you attempt to pretend that everyone is included as a leader by some group, that is silly and I hope that you were kidding.
Yeah, whatever, the cracks are much larger at a larger school. Kids can much more easily fall through. Especially since, at a small school, everyone knows your gol darned business. Not really. It is true that you have more opportunities offered, but do they make up for the things you lack. By you I am now moving beyond Em and on to the whole large school population. You fuckers. Don't step to us. If I have to show you I will find information on the various larger cities that are making attempts at improving academic achievements by moving to schools that are all D-E sized.
Oh, you could also argue that large schools are also where all the geniuses are found. Good job, we could go with the fact that thost shitloads have no social skills that are mandated by the forced interactions of small schools, but that would just be hitting folks that don't have their gloves up.
Wow, look how quickly I abandoned the mathematics and sunk into insults. Shows the great argumentation skills that I learned in that special place.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Fun Fact (but not worthy of a post): Hotel California is starting to blow my mind right now.

9:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, now you aren't even arguing your point anymore. Your original argument was that large schools are the only places where they give a damn enough to offer advanced classes. Bah. Such a great word. I'm really tired right now. but at least i'm warm. you should go eat some pizza we're going to order some later. you can have some.

3:48 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Just 'cause they would offer advanced classes for advanced kids doesn't mean that they are better for the average kids. Besides, I am to blame for all that I am.

4:57 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Not too mention, are they really any better for the advanced kids. Those pussies should have developed ambition by that time. I was just one of those pussies who didn't. Not too mention, if kids are given the opportunity to become completely absorbed in advanced work, they become socially retarded. Not to mention....

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big school, small school...they all suck ass in the end anyway. Go eat some pizza

6:00 PM


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