He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

New debate:

Am I tired because I sometimes don't get enough sleep or because I have now accepted the tactic of taking no lunch during my work days? I will have to sort that one out.

Next note, I am wearing the most badass redneck muscle shirt right now. Plus, I made it myself.

Finally got Haughty Melodic, yay me.

Looks like I will actually get my truck back this evening. It has been a long week without my baby.

I would like go out to my G-parent's place right now, but I am lazy and will only make it to the garden in my backyard. Not to mention (never really understood that saying), I have a softball game this evening and I think I might have finally figured out how to hit a slow pitch.

There was something interesting I heard the other day, but I forgot it.

"Help me see your infinity and my finiteness."

Barney Gray wants to turn his backyard into a tiny forest. What a weirdo. But that brings up an interesting question. Is a woods a small forest or is it the same thing as a forest? If it is the latter, then what do you call a small forest? If this is a new opportunity to create a word then I will go with "Tubble". It is like a tree bubble, a small blip of forest amongst the rest of our urban sprawl. It stands out as it glistens in the sunlight, makes us yearn for our young, free days, and is generallys something small in a world that is large.

"Let me know your enormity and my tinyness."

Peace out.


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