He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I know most of you don't...

give a rat's ass about this, but you will in the future. A federal judge has now authorized United Airlines to walk away from their $10,000,000,000 (I typed it out 'cause that is a lot of fucking zeros.) employee pension fund. A good bit of that will have to be picked up by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Association, but mostly it is just going to screw up retirement for a shitload of folks. This may be a sign of the end of pensions as we know it. God bless the 401K, I guess.
By the way, this didn't even make it onto the CNN.com website, but they do have a story about "4 retirement mistakes to avoid," I wonder if putting you life in the hands of a pension plan is mentioned?

Also, I am typing this because I have to wait at school for my mommy to pick me up as my truck is broken and the ho, Dan, didn't allow me to borrow his wheels while he is sitting at school. Biatch.


Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

the problem is the government has it's penis in the vagina of every big business. Hmm, oil crisis? fat chance of any change to alternative fuel sources what with the oil tycoons stuffing the pockets of the fat cats on capitol hill. the economy is simply starting to gear more towards the average joe paying in more and getting out less. but why not throw more money into foreign relations when more countries are starting to think less and less of us? let's just keep scratching the wound.

9:27 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

B.P., it isn't just the airlines. I always thought that it was the industries's penii and the government's vagina though.
Scott, are you enjoying how our Minnesota gov combined with the fed gov is slowly shifting to a more and more regressive tax system?

5:05 AM


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