He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Going once....

I am now taking wagers as to whether or not I will make it to work this morning. It is now 1:17 and I am supposed to work at 6:30ish. You make your guess and I will let you know as to the result.

Having just made it back from the Viola street dance, I should say the women looked lovely this evening. I had forgotten what the beer-goggles were capable of.

Fun fact: Logan got shut down by the one unknown girl that he hit one. Her name was Sasha and she had a "very serious, committed boyfriend." Burn!

Well, philosophy: all of you ill-gotten gains will soon pass away and your time will come. OOOOh, how apocalyptic. Rather: you are a lovely person, but you couldn't pull your head our your ass if you had a gallon of Super Lube.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Logan, you old wanna-be cynic! I have missed our daily banter a bit though I've been kept busy working my ass of. But its a great time... hope gopher count was great...hope survival days will be greater. have fun and i will see you later

8:18 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am not a wanna-be anything. I is. Although, I wouldn't mind being a stud for a day. I haven't been to Survival Days for a couple years though (I don't think, I don't recall actually), but they need to survive again cause the road over there blows.

9:38 PM


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