He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, May 30, 2005


How odd that, while my family was attending the memorial in Eyota today, I continued to see vehicles driving throughout the activities and including the prayer. The thing that really stuck out was the many trucks (often pulling boats) full of gun-toting, war-loving, Republican-voting shitheads were driving by. So this is a "Fuck You" to all those chickenhawk motherfuckers. Eat my dog's ass. Also, I swear that I saw a couple of those magnets on the back. This is not to say that my way of celebrating is the only proper way to celebrate this day, but at least have some respect for the folks that did bother to step out of their gas-hogs for the moment. I rarely show respect for most anything, but these sacrifices are enough to get me off my high horse on occasion. Come join us next time.



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