He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

How to justify torture?

Wait, you can't. You ball-shocking, ass-forking anal invaders are going to pay some day. If we can not bring you to justice in this life then your judgment will have to come from your God. So, if he exists, you had best repent.
Hey folks, do you think we will ever have all of the images released to the American public. I keep waiting for the mainstream to become angry. When did we become so apathetic?

Personal note: Went to Elgin last night and I lost Brad. He apparently isn't dead though as his car eventually left my house today. Also, I stayed up all night and apparently did a good bit of political talking. I hope I made some well formed arguments for the Elginians.



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