He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Remarkable Incidents

None to report.

Well....to snood or to blog. Does anyone else notice that those are both words that used to be nouns but can now be verbs. The decline of the English language is astounding and I am working to push it the rest of the way off the cliff. Ain't nuthin' but a G thang.

I forgot to blog before I left for Montana, luckily, I didn't die so I didn't have to leave my last message as some whiny political junk.
Out west was lovely. Lots of moose (much more than expected), the bears are there (but invisible), and the marmots are everywhere. It was beautiful. Also, boot-sking is neato and Brad can't read.
I rather enjoy the weeks when I can disapear, forget what day it is, and not have any idea what is going on in the world.

Do you ever notice our incredible ability to ignore everything that doesn't suit us? We constantly amaze.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nothing to see here.

Actually, if I ever have the time I will detail it for you. Although I am starting to despise bloggers for being full of themselves so, maybe not? You know, you could just come and hang out with your old buddy Logan some day and then he could tell you about it.

8:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, leave the full of themselves people alone...after all no one is making you read them and folks have to whine somewhere. Just be grateful you can choose whether or not to read it and aren't forced to listen to it. By the way, my blog's updated

3:31 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, you won't ever be around, plus, you always come back and have the Baby Haag's car sitting at your house. Yet, no call to the Logan. By the way, I have a cell, but I don't think I will tell you the number. I am just that spiteful, might even grow a beard too.

8:48 PM


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