He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Why not? I perceive, and so it must be.

I have been enjoying playing with Google Earth lately. It might be old news to some folks, but it is still a fun time for me. I want there to be a 3-D version of it, so that I can look at elevation changes. For now, I am happy cruising cities I know (and some I don't).
I think I might go look at the Taj Mahal tonight. I am trying to vacation without using gas. Not too easy to see trees and animals over the internet though.

I am fighting next week. I have a bunch of weight to drop for next Thursday. 17 poundsish. Should be a grand ol' time.

Oh, I am still enjoying my drives up the Lake City for practice. The fall colors aren't fully passed yet. Lots of red-leaved sumac along the road to go along with the trees. Makes for a beautiful frame. The drive home in the dark isn't quite as great.

I am debating buying The Decemberists album. You see, I am trying to take on a budget. I hope I can look at that and apply myself.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck with the fight. it must be where all your aggression goes.

11:09 AM


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