He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

As the world turns, shit happens...

Well, now the National Guard is looking like a good idea. But then again they want six years, so fuck them. Recruiters are damn funny though. I might actually join if I could still get all that money and only have to be in there for three years. But I did get a nice "Freedom Isn't Free" magnet. That's cool beans. Oh, and a little pumpkin that says "I (heart) the National Guard".

RCTC is looking like a better and better idea. I have found five courses that would work well for my major, if the required courses at Winona are like the ones for my major up here. Plus, I would get to live with Wayne, that would be the mothafuckin' shiznit. I would actually keep that house clean, at least until Tom moved in to take over, so maybe someday a woman could come in there. Hey if I am in Roch. that means I will be able to work on the beast that is GWAR. Sweet.

Oh my truck got fixed and cost me $380. And that was with Mr. Mechanic saying that was the cheapest radiator he had found for any vehicle in quite some time. I don't like actually putting money into vehicles. But as long as I have a truck with what appears to be a pig-hauling box, I can handle it.

It rained all day, and this campus is so not based around academics that the rain was enough to keep most kids out of class and thusly I had both of my first to classes let out way early. Hilarious.

And for Drew: I saw one of your Fillmore boys (Erickson) in Coborn's the other day. He says you are nothing but a no good pussy. I kicked his ass for you. But you do suck.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

I pay to have good times with a lady, but I don't pay for pussy. Beside that, I am totally within a system, just not the system.

4:23 PM


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