He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Free Entertainment

Now that I am back on a real college campus, I have gone back into full-gear in my people watching endeavors. I don't know if I even want to get the laptop when there happens to be so many interesting folks to watch at the community access pcs. Although, the laptop would allow me to watch while sitting on the benches outside.
There is this one guy, "Blue Shorts Guy," he is spectacular. He has been here for the last couple days wearing the same blue shorts. They are hiked up to the top of his belly and I am sure that, if he were so fat that his genitals have been swallowed up by the fat, his balls would be hanging out. He does wear a number of different tank tops. I am wondering if he is coming after, or before, his workout or if this is his workout. You know, getting out of the house can be a struggle.
Also, he talks to himself a lot, loudly too.
My other favorite is the other old dude who plays Collapse on Yahoo all the time. He puts a lot of effort into his mouse clicks, so he makes a lot of noise too.

I am slowly starting to see all the other Eyota kids around here. Damn them.

This girl in my 9 AM class mentioned auditions for the fall musical and plays today. I should do this, but shouldn't I have been at least a bit prepared to get into them?

It takes me 3-4 minutes to bike to school. I was sprawled out on my bed at 8:25 yesterday (granted, I was fully clothed) and I made it to class by 8:31. This is easy than walking across campus at SCSU.

None of this is interesting, but Emily can go fuck herself.

Peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not so! the Blue Shorts Guy is interesting...you should devote a segment on your blog to him.

and for the last time, nobody in this goddamn bless america country needs a fornication license from a king to have sex with themselves so i don't know what the "fuck" you're talking about.

7:17 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I was not giving you license just drawing attention to your ability. No words in my statement were of a permissive nature, simply statement of a fact. Your comment was just another attempt by folks like yourself to feel superior by attempting to belittle the common people for using their colorful phrases. Similar to responding, "I don't know, can you?" when someone asks, "Can I use the bathroom." Not that colorful of a statement, I suppose, but you can still go fuck yourself. Congrats.

Hehe, by the way, I am stealing my neighbor's wireless right now. I is a flipping rebel.

5:47 AM


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