He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

"I'm still drinking in my dreams"

But, unfortunately, my summer is over. Although, my summers are much more busy than my school years. I suppose now is the time that I get to relax. My room at this place is slowly getting cleaned out so that I will soon be able to have most all my necessary crap over that the homestead with my man-wife Shane. He has already been working hard and we now have a matching shower curtain and rug combo in the bathroom. He took complete credit for that.
My schedule is still not worked out for the semester, but I do know that I will be going to some class at 8 tomorrow as well as a couple others that I am not yet registered for. After the first couple days of the semester, I will be able to tell you whether or not I will be graduating on time, in two years, or at some later point.
Additionally, I have yet to bother with getting my laptop that I am required to get from WSU. I will have to look into that tomorrow. Someday we will even have the internet and cable hooked up at the apartment. Yeah, whenever we get to that. Until then, my internet usage will be going down and I will probably not update this thing.
I do intend to be coming back on weekends for the purpose of working at Think for a bit longer. I figure that I can make better money while working fewer hours than I would in Winona. Plus, we all know that college towns are no fun on weekends. Eventually I will get a job somewhere in Winona. I have confidence.
Oh, sounds as though Tom and some others will be coming down to my place in Winona saturday night. I will have to make it back there then. It would be a fair guess to assume that other folks will be joining in and that we will all get arrested since that cops are not the most pleasant folks for the first few weeks of school.
Hey, maybe they will have internet for me to use in jail. Next time, I'll write you from the big house.

Peace out.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

That was completely intentional my fourth love. I knew it would bunch up your panties right quick.

5:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear God...your blogs have become very boring. Do something interesting. Bah!

5:55 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oh, don't worry, I am perfectly aware of my boring life. Unfortunately writing political or philisophical posts has been feeling like a whinerly thing to do these days. Obviously, you haven't gotten that feeling yet.
I would like to start work on a group blog for those types of things while preserving this blog as a "What is Logan up to?" blog.
Someday, when my mind is alive again, I will get back to posting interesting things.

8:15 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

By the way, what would you consider interesting? Those silly discussions that only you and I would be involved in?

8:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you and your notions of "whinerness". Who gives a shit if its whining or not? If people didn't whine about society, we'd all just accept everything that was handed to us...be stoic...an ignorant existance.

As for the "silly discussions" I agree, they were silly...but also entertaining. And I'm not saying that my blogs are particularily interesting either...i never thought they were that great. I'm just saying that your blogs used to be fun and now they are not. Maybe you're just getting too old. Go work in your garden old man!

oh, and I don't know what you were implying with the fuck myself comment but, there is no fornication under the consent of the king here...its a free country so the word shouldn't exist...and further...on can not fornication under consent of the king themselves can they? Master of insults you are not. mmmmm

7:10 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

There is a difference between dissent and whining.
More than being old, I am busy. Also, the things that used to be interesting would no longer be interesting if I posted along that same vein over and over again.
Ha, you attempt at wit is posted here as well? That is just silly, you attempt to take things seriously, I thought you actually had some sort of understanding of me. Putz.

7:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was just trying to be clever for old time's sake. anyway...whining and dissent? Idk..maybe there isn't a difference. Its all in how you look at it.

10:06 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nope, it isn't. There is a definite difference. Whining is "To complain or protest in a childish fashion." Dissent is not childish.

10:37 PM


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