He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I believe in the power of a good man

Greed has been on my mind as of late. We all have greed in one form or another and so I will not pretend that I have risen to some higher plateau on the greed plain, but I do think that I have one for of greed pretty much wiped out of my little brain. While I still desire to have numerous participants in my good times and the love of a good woman (although, if I only want one, is that really all that greedy?), I do seem to have gotten over much of a desire for money.
I am probably a big, skanky liar, but at least let me pretend that I am a good guy. It seems that every time that I wind up in a political discussion it always leaves me thinking, "Dang, what a grubby bastard, that mofo needs something more important to love." Most of the time that is brought on my someone complaining about liberals trying to take everything from them. This is silly, cause I don't really want their money, but it does make me wonder if this is actually a form of greed for money from me. But, of course, it isn't as I don't want their money for myself, I want it for the world. I am such a flippin' socialist. Well, that is a lie too. I don't want all that much of their money (and, since most of them seem like blue-collar sorts, I don't want any at all most of the time).

Hmm...I appear to be getting off track. It is too bad that I don't bother to do research for these posts anymore, I might have something intelligent to had to our discussion that is oh so horribly lacking. I must, in the middle of this post, apologize for not really posting for a while. Your complaining has brought me back. (Ok, I am imagining the complaing, that is the problem with being as full of yourself as I tend to be.)

Ok, back to the meat. This thought grouping isn't working out so well so I will just end this with a question that I can base more off of later and go to bed.
I think that people spend too much time thinking about the economic gain of so many positions but don't bother to weigh out the other gains or losses that can't be turned into a pretty spreadsheet. For instance, me ('cause I love to talk about me, plus, it is easier than trying to define a whole group), I am planning on becoming a teacher. Most likely, the pay will never be great, but that doesn't bother me. Whenever there is a fight to give me a raise, I will take it, but it isn't the primary reason I want to teach. The way I see it, I am taking a large paycut from whatever other career I could have gotten into (other than maybe career humanitarian and that is still an option). So, why would I do this? Why would anyone do this? Is it because of a genuine desire to improve the lives of others? Do I believe that the possible unmeasurable positives that I can make in this role far outweigh the measurable lack of money that is coming with those positives? Or do I just want to garden and have no job for three months a year?

You get back to me on that and I will get back to you on this. You know, like this and like that and like...

Peace out.


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