He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


"You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers."

Hot damn, I wish I could talk like the folksy folks in the back country. Hells bells, I am watching O' Brother Where Art Thou and it is still as splendid as ever.
In addition to that fine edition I also viewed Snatch today. That frantic party of a film is as wonderfully wild as I recalled. Brad Pitt, I am still not sure which of his films made him my baby. But that one was enough to renew my love for him. An Irish gypsy? Don't mind if I do, perhaps I should become a piker.

After taking a bath and actually doing some class based reading, I had my hatred of coal renewed. Impure thoughts might have even entered my mind (and my brain too) after reading about the destruction caused by mountain-top removal mining. Part of the intense dislike comes from the absolute refusal by those in the industry to believe that their actions are causing any sorts of problems. I wonder if a couple thousand more miles of coal sludge infested mountain streams will be enough to turn anyone. Not bloody likely.

Also, I am getting into reading Saul Bellow. He was placed on my list of authors to get into earlier this year when he died (Um...sorry for not getting to it sooner). One of the greatest American novelists of all time.

Grasp the Broom of Reform and sweep the place clean. Time to take care of business.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, now you've been invaded! Hehe, we learned about coal today too in my Earth History and Resources class...but you can go to my blog to see the specifics on that lecture.
Here my concern is O Brother. That is an awesome movie. I love the Woody Guthrie song at the beginning...Big Rock Candy Mountains...wild crazy stuff.
Also, what has Saul Bellow written? His style? Era? I have not heard of him. I've been reading Kerouac...an interesting guy. alright, off to bed, i've seven thirty class tomarrow

7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to do this earlier, but Tuesday was this blog's birthday I believe...(as I was randomly looking at your archives and then clicked on sept. 04 to get the exact date yes...my classes are not challenging enough and i think i have too much time on my hands) But anyway I thought we should take this time to say happy birthday and look back on what Logan had to say one year ago...

"Ah, the first post, an opportunity to spout off to the world. Although more than likely I am just talking shit and no one but my friends and assorted relatives will bother to read any of this. My only hope is that I am not simply about nothing, that would make this blog seem too much like my real life. Anyway, this will be, in the beginning, just a place to simply state my life, times, and thoughts. If anyone bothers to check this mother out, perhaps there will even be real discussion."
Happy Blog Birthday Cousin!

7:55 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

And it looks like I was spot on, spectacular.
The Adventures of Augie March
Seize the Day
Dangling Man
The Victim
...and a whole lot more.

As for being infected, it is the price I pay for allowing anonymous posts, but then, no one who reads after this time will know what you are talking about since I am pretty good at deleting them.

8:56 AM


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