He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Guess what? Water is good for you.

Neat huh? Good to know that I am being taught my nutritional requirements for the 15th time. Oh, but WSU was recently found to be one of the fattest colleges in the nation, this class must be working wonders.

Now, who to blog about? The guy one row up for me or the girl two rows up?

Since you all know me so well, you know I will go for the guy first.

He is wearing a "Team Republican" t-shirt with a list of their priorities on the back. 1. Jesus, 2. USA Freedom (whatever that means), and 3. G.W. Bush. The only question this brings to mind is, why are republicans such fuckin' liars? Jesus? My ass he is number one, have you read the Bible? Motherfuckin' Savior was a socialist. Welfare programs make Jesus hard. Love your enemy? Nope nope, Jesus was wrong, bomb the shit out of your enemy and anyone who happens to live in their general area. The meek shall inherit the earth? Wrong again, the blunderbussi on the 700 Club who live in mansions and keep oodles of whores on the side are the ones who will truly rule the day. Sorry, I guess hypocracy gets me going in the morning.

On to the young lady. She is one of the special ones who pulls off "relaxed sexy". Why the hell would sweatpants seem sexy? Do I have low standards, strange standards, or is it just that some girls pull off anything? Especially ones that know how to stand up in a sexy manner, you know what I am talking about. The arch of the back. Maybe it is the glasses? Hehe. Good times.

Oh, you can probably eat the fish out of the Mississippi again, but never more than once or twice a week. Apparently the sewage actually adds to the nutritional value.

By the way, I am aware of how offensive it is to assert that Jesus would get an erection. But there are rumors about the Jeez and Mary Mag.

Peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I bet Jesus had more than Mary Mag...betrayed by a kiss? haha, now I just insinuated that the Savior was gay! I have surpassed your offensiveness. I love crazy hicks in T-Shirts like that. They give crazy liberals something funny to blog about.

The sexy girl...wtf? I thought you were a one woman man now. Shit. you had almost restored my faith in love...back to my cursing of it...

4:30 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nah, that other senario has been mentioned before, a gay black esus, what could possibly be worse for repubs.
As for the girl, I have full use of my eyes, the hands I am apparently supposed to keep to myself.

4:01 PM


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