He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Airing of Grievances

It is Festivus time again. As the this celebration for the rest of us rolls around we must take time to clear the air. I shall begin and will update through the day as I decide to add others to my list.

Danny has disapointed me in the following ways:
  • you are unable to clean up after yourself
Emily has disapointed me in the following ways:
  • excessive whining
  • insufficient humor
Tom has disapointed me in the following ways:
  • no Mankato egging sponsorship
  • not delivering me Wayne's milkshakes this afternoon
Seth has disapointed me in the following ways:
  • getting a job
  • acting like he was going to get into fights
  • not going after the various women he desires
Oh, I still have to finish gift shopping and room cleaning. Back to work. More later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja, true that my excessive whining has disappointed me too. But I noticed something while rereading the old blog last night...the whinning occurances have become less and less. And I whine about philisophical shit more.

As for insufficant humor, hehe, yea, that's probably right too. But realize sometimes I pretend to take things seriously so you type angrily at me. You are not the only little elf who delights in causing mad frustrations ;)

hehe, a little flash back to all our old arguments from last year. Let us have a Christmas Eve Day as usual. I won't read a book this year. I'll eat instead.

9:40 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

You give yourself too much credit (as usual). I have never been angered by anything written on your blog.

3:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

but you enjoy creating the illusion of being angry. therefore, you are typing angrily.

2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you fighting on Wednesday?

11:05 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nope, my team dropped out of the event. I stick with my team.

11:22 AM


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