He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Social Libertarian

Does that even count? It just doesn't work in a two party system.

By the way, I don't support government sanctioned marriage between homosexuals. Then again, I don't support government sanctioned marriage between hetrosexuals either.
The government has no place in this debate as it does not have the right to make such decisions as to which consenting adults are capable of entering into a loving relationship.
I can't recall if I have posted directly about this before, so I'll say it again: Civil Unions for everyone. If you want to call yourselves married go ahead and do it, the government will give you the legal status that is now given to married couples.
However, your marriage would not be one recognized under God or any higher power (this is assuming that we don't consider the government a higher power), at least, it wouldn't be in the wording. If you want to be married under you religion, head to your church or any church, but they reserve the right to refuse to conduct a service for any reason they please. If they aren't receiving federal funding, then they are a private entity (granted, one with tax-exempt status, but I will take away whenever I darn well please. hint: stay out of politics).
Civil Unions are the best way to retain, or, more appropriately, achieve, the seperation of church and state on this issue.

How does that strike you?

By the way, I am still boycotting the Meadow Park Church of Christ, they should have known better than to bring a in a guest preacher who would rant about the "Minnesota Marriage Amendment". What a wankster.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like Thoreau. Damn self-righteous romantic optimists out of touch with reality with their common sense.....

Number of homosexual admonishments in the Bible: 6

Number of heterosexual admonishments in the Bible: 362

Number of assholes who vote for president based on false morals as I have so proven above: 60%

7:35 AM


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