He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

“It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

The Constitution that is. Thank you Mr. President. That guy simply continues to astound. Sure, he said it in the privacy of a meeting and never thought that it would be made public, and we should respect his privacy. Hehe.
Oh, the story is here.

Next thought:
Why is it that, with a Republican controlled Congress and White House as well as the common social-conservative belief that life begins at conception, we don't have an income tax exemption of those babies that are still in utero? I mean, wouldn't that just be an excellent way for conservatives to start to show their belief that a fetus is a life? Assigning value to a fetus links right up with charging folks with murder when they kill one.
These whole idea has a little bit of merit too. Afterall, it is expensive to be pregnant. Eating for two and what not. The medical expenses are already written off, correct? This would just add another hitch in the giddiup of couples looking at baby-making and families are the basis of a strong America (or some shit like that), right?
Oh, this is a great plan for conservatives, but the lack of this being brought forward simply proves, as always, that conservatives always care more about money than they care about babi, famili, and you or me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we can safely say that President George Dubbya is definately not a strict constructionalist of the Constitution.

Damn Tommy J. The Marshall Court knew where it was at. All hail the Dubbya. A. Jackson's avatar!

wow. back to studying for me.

10:50 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...


6:18 PM


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