He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

R.I.P. Miss Maggie

My most consistant, most tolerant, and most sincere companion has passed on. She made it to the age of nine, but I still say that she was taken too soon. I guess she finally found something that he stomach couldn't handle; the chocolate could never kill her, but rat poison (the vet's best guess) was enough to do it. I don't blame the owner of whatever place she found the stuff, this was simply the result of her freewheeling lifestyle. She lived the equivalent of a rock and roll lifestyle for dogs. Too many wild nights on the town finally did her in.
She was my cuddle buddy for eight years, although she did abandon my bed for a couch when I decided to move to the basement, but I can understand her apprehension. I don't know that there is anyone who is her equal in the cuddling department as she was a mastermind of head placement and would never overstay her welcome.
I miss having someone to roll around on the floor with every time I come home, the kitchen floor will never be quite as spotless as she managed to keep it, the backyard will seem quite a bit more empty, and I don't know who will keep me company on lonely nights in the TV room.
I only wish she had at least had her opportunity to retire to the farm before her end.

Goodbye girl.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sincerest condolences. I loved Maggie as well and so did Mom. We shall miss her much. No one to pet when I am bored at family gatherings. A sad, sad day.

7:43 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Thanks, but, as an English major, I should point out that the proper term is "most sincere." Sorry, I am lifting my own spirits by correcting grammar.

11:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, i got that phrase from the oregon trail game i think. but you can correct me all you want. today is a sad day.

8:55 PM


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