He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Good for Ford

An update on the whole Ford-not-putting-ads-in-gay-mags thing:
They must of told the AFA to screw off as they are now going to continue to create tailor-made ads for distinct groups, including gay folks, and will be including those ads in various specialized magazines.
Isn't that nice?

Dick Morris used a Fox News poll in his last op-ed (Tuesday P-B for the local readers) to show that most Americans still support the Iraq War and that a bit over 50% still believe that Iraq had WMDs when Shrub said they did.
Isn't that like polling teen-aged boys over the phone to find the average penis size for American males?

Sorry for my brevity, but I must get back to something resembling studying.


Update: Holy Shit. Look at this. Didn't expect that to ever happen. Shrub is turning soft on us.


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