He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christian Tolerance?

Yeah, not only do fundamentalist Christians not want to allow homosexuals to be joined in any sort of union, they also don't want them to buy cars. That is the gist of what I get from this story. Yeah, the American Family Association doesn't like the idea of Ford trying to direct advertisements at gay folks. This is just disturbing.
Oh, funny part of the story: Ford will pull these ads for all of their brands except Volvo. Um...gay folks love Volvos? I guess that makes sense, Volvos are fine motor vehicles. Folks with good taste are likely to enjoy them.
Looks like I forgot this part: Excuse me, AFA, the reasonable folks are trying to get some work done. Perhaps you would like to step outside and play a rousing game of "Go Fuck Yourself". Just a thought.

By the way, my time wasting knows no bounds. I have been sitting at the same desk in the library for almost three hours and I don't know if I have gotten a single bit of real work done.
I am still sticking to my promise to myself that I would get at least five pages of typing done this evening.
The things I have been reading for the last while haven't even been interesting. I am just that worthless.



Blogger Marty Grimes said...

Hi Logan,

Ford has insisted that this is strictly a "business decision." If Ford really just decided to pull the ads because they weren't effective, then why is Donald Wildmon so smugly declaring victory?

This "business decision" is the crux of the problem. We've been making great headway in Corporate America by arguing the "business case" for diversity. Offering domestic partnership benefits doesn't cost much, but attracts highly talented employees, we've argued successfully. Promoting respect and inclusion increases productivity, we attest, because employees who are respected do better work. We don't bother to argue that it's simply the right thing to do.

HRC, which rates companies on a 100-point Corporate Equality Index, explains that corporations are becoming more gay friendly because "fairness is good for business."

But that makes for a dangerous equation. If the AFA folks buy more Fords than we do, we lose. Justice cannot be denied just because it doesn't make money. It may be that Ford has concluded that an Equality Index score of 100 isn't the right mark to aim for. They may decide to go for a sweet spot where the fundamentalists leave them alone; maybe an 82 or a 76.

The bottom line is, indeed, the bottom line. Ford is a corporation that exists to make money. As long as "shareholder value" is the only value that matters in Corporate America, Donald Wildmon will continue to carve notches into his belt.

Read more of this excerpt on my blog. Then get back to work!

7:49 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

well if it isn't logan getting attention from some big wigs

8:59 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

That appears to be what happens when you comment on things that people actually care about.
I hope that was a sarcastic "big wigs" as I don't know that anyone who uses blogspot.com can be called a big wig, other than the Rude Pundit.

As for this issue, even with this setback, homosexuals are more likely to be able to move their rights forward more quickly through employers than through our fundamentalist run government. Fortune 500 companies are leaps and bounds ahead of the White House on this.

11:46 AM


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