He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

10 Yards For Bullshit

Well, I think it is time for my fighting to actually makes its way onto the blog as I don't really feel like explaining my unhappy tale to everyone this next week. This way, I can just refer them to the blog.

Last night, I was not a happy camper and that continues with me today. Got screwed.
After cutting from 12 pounds over on Sunday afternoon, I got a call on Tuesday, the day before a scheduled fight, to tell me that my opponent had a shoulder injury and would not be allowed to fight me. I was already unhappy with that since the guy has been working with the injury for a little while and they should have at least had the decency to call me a few days beforehand.
Then it got even shittier. I was informed that they would be giving the guy that I was supposed to fight, who was supposed to be my first real challenge, was going to be given some scrub to fight because he was a big ticket draw, and they couldn't just take him off the card. I said, "Well, that's bullshit, why do I get fucked on this deal?" They said, "We'll try to get you a fight."
That, ladies and gents, is where the bullshit flag gets thrown. I found out that the promoter of my fight on the 25th of this month was already upset with me for taking my previously scheduled fight when it was so close to the date that I was to be fight for a title in his show. Since he has some ability to influence the other promoters, they decide that I shouldn't even get a scrub to fight. So now I am pretty much as pissed of as I get.
I did, however, receive a small compensation for my troubles, but I don't believe that it makes up for my hours spent training, my anticipation, my weightcutting, my hours spent talking to people and trying to sell tickets, and the mountains of bullshit that I now have to deal with.
Lastly, I talked with the guy who I was supposed to fight, and they are giving him a title shot at the show in the cities in May. Should I throw another flag for that one too?

On a slightly more exciting, and happier, note, I now have the internet and cable at my apartment. My first order of business was to watch C-SPAN 2 for about an hour before my last class. Exciting stuff.

I am going to parent-teacher conferences today. I am hoping to see a confrontation, a fistfight, and maybe a biting.
On Monday, during my Spring Break, I will be teaching my own lessons as Mr. Smith will be out of town. They are giving me the children, and I don't even have a license.



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