He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Back with the bad habits.

Umm....so this is what it took to get me back to writing on here: an all-nighter to finish a paper on a Sunday. Wait, did I say finish? Start, lay-out, revise, finish-up, proofread. Perhaps I should get started. I have read a great deal for this one. So I am ahead of the game in that respect. We all know that the crap can spill forth from me at will, so the writing shouldn't be an issue once I really kick it in gear around 5 AM.
Does anyone have a good way of getting me to not do this anymore? I think the only thing that could push me to it would be if I knew that I got anything in return for getting excellent grades. I will probably still get a low A for this still unwritten paper, but I think the school could get a bit better effort out of me if they offered me some financial incentive. I know I shouldn't do things for money, but the best way to get me to do the crap I wouldn't otherwise bother with is to...umm...show me the money (I get corny around three AM).
Right now, I make the Dean's list and it doesn't get me crap. Last semester I didn't even know that I had made it until I was making up a resume and thought that would make a decent stat padder (for an unpaid position, ha). Other than that, I get nothing from it, and it isn't likely that a public high school is going to offer me another 5 grand in the future for making the Dean's list one less time. What would I do it for? It doesn't prove anything to make it. I know what I am capable of, and I have no desire to impress people with such things. Is that an impressive thing? I guess I don't even know that much. I bet old people dig it, and I think my grandmother and the McDougals still check the paper for it. But, other than that, what do you have for me.
I guess I'll just have to resign myself to doing it for the old folks.

I can tell you about the one thing that I am enjoying about this semester of school, my field experience. I do some tutoring on Wednesday morns at the Winona Middle School and spend 3.5 hours in Saint Charles Public High School every Wednesday and Friday (that works conveniently around my practice hours). I would probably do it on Monday afternoons too, but I can't justify the extra gas costs when I am already going there a couple more hours a week than I am supposed to.
At the middle school I tutor Tyler. Good kid, little bit on the lazy and easily distracted side when it comes to getting work done. Who knew that kids still played those Magic the Gathering card/war games (they probably have a new name for them now, but it is the same thing)? Anyway, all I do is make sure that he gets his homework done, finish up any work he has left with him, and play chess if we have time (we both are no good; makes for a spectacular match-up). I should find a way to get more involved in this program. If I didn't have class on Tues and Thurs 'til 7 PM I would just go in on those afternoons. Perhaps there is something else to be done on Mondays. I'll get back to you on that.

Hmm...it seems that this post has stretched on long enough. I will have to hit you folks (if there are any of you left after my vacation) up with part deux when I am next awake, probably sometime on Wednesday. The things from SCHS (highlight: I choke a kid in a ten-finger guillotine and he thinks it is a grand ol' time) should be most entertaining, at least, I am capable of making them appear so.

Oh, my paper is all about form and Modernist techniques in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. You would all find it most enjoyable if you had ever read the tale.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you wanted a masters in education, good grades would help you get into graduate school but you probably don't want that.

I hate that I have to worry about law school still. You people disgust me.

4:15 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oh, I'll get a master's, probably a doctorate at some point as well, but we all know that I will most likely just end up doing that at the U of M in Rochester. Besides, I still have over a 3.5 (I had to make up for my shoddy grades that came out of Hamline). "You people"?

7:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you people that don't have to worry about law school

4:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Your can't use have in that context. You are at least three years out, and it is a personal choice. Always making your life out to be worse than others is sad attitude to get into.

5:04 PM

Blogger Adam said...

Mrs. Dalloway...those are pretty flowers. Now watch me jump out of a second story window.

7:53 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hey, they were pretty pretty.

Septimus's inner-monologue and a bit of his coversation with his new therapist:

" But if he confessed? If he communicated? Would they let him off then, his torturers?
"I-I-" he stammered.
But what was his crime? He could not remember it.
"Yes?" Sir Willion encouraged him. (But it was growing late.)
Love, trees, there is no crime-what was his message?
He could not remember it.
"I-I-" Septimus stammered.
"Try to think as little about yourself as possible," said Sir William kindly. "

8:41 PM


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