He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

2/5 Ain't Bad

My 8 AM class was cancelled; my 11 AM class was cancelled; my 5 PM class is a film fest. That is all well and good. But why is the Prof from my 3:30 PM class, who had previously cancelled our class, coming into the class that is watching a movie? I think she is planning on having her class after we get done watching this movie. Is this allowed?

I was on a field trip from 5:20 AM until almost 5 PM yesterday. We went to Humboldt High School in Saint Paul. I guess the planners of this program felt that we needed to get an experience in at an inner-city school. It was probably for all the white folks who were unaware that african folks and asian folks happen to make up most of the population in some schools.
Talking with the kids was nice, re-realizing how bastardly some high school sophmores are, eating school lunch again was fabulous, and bus sleeping is fun, but I didn't get much else out of the whole thing.
Oh, getting up at 4 AM is neato, I hadn't done that in a while.

Huh, people just got up and started leaving. I guess if she intends to instruct, it will be with a significantly reduced class. I will wait it out since I have nothing to do until open swim at 7 PM.

I am starting to actually use my student athletic fee. Weight rooms, swimming pool, gym, and all that other good stuff.

Umm...I am leaving now.


A note: the time on this post is way off, I opened it up a while ago and never typed anything. It is currently 5:08 PM.


Blogger Adam said...


Humboldt High School!

6:21 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

You know it.

An update: the Prof wasn't attempting to have class. She just came in early for the start of her 5:30 PM class. She could never have kept us.

8:08 PM


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