He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Live, Learn. Ludicrous.

For the past five nights or so I have been performing a wonderful little experiment. The science lover in me is coming alive (I am still trying to justify my ACT scores, hehe, they don't know crap).
I knew that I would be spending Wednesday evening (last night) in the Twin Cities. The reason for my trip up was to see the inaugural MMA show at the Myth nightclub. Good venue, few thousand people, and plenty of good seats. If all goes as planned, I will be fighting there March 8th.
Anyway, back to the experiment. I knew that I would only have a few hours of sleep and I know that experts advise that a person should make sure to make up for all sleep lost by sleeping extra on the follow nights. I wonder if it was possible to make up that sleep beforehand.
So, for the four nights prior to the fight night, I made sure to get extra rest, including ten hours of sleep on Tuesday night. I figured that I had made up for at least five missed hours of sleep.
The end of the night came, I got back to Eyota at about 2:30 AM and headed to bed after reading the newspaper. I got up past my alarm time and barely made it back to Winona for my 8 AM class. Now, I feel like crap. I fell asleep in one class (granted, the movie on multiple intelligences wasn't that interesting).
This proves, definitively, that pre-event sleep banking is impossible. All it does is get the body used to getting generous amounts of sleep. It is actually worse for a person than just going about the regular schedule.
I despise this silly body that I occupy. But at least I have good genes.

Also, my keys are in a car in Zumbrota, my truck is in Rochester, and I am in Winona with my coach's car. Good stuff.

I got my assignment for Field Experience in Education 305. I will be spending a few afternoons a week in the classroom of Mike Smith at St. Charles High School. Bernie Wegman knows that man, he has been around for a while and is supposed to be a good fella.
I am looking forward to this activity as much as one can look forward to something that will make him horribly busy and boost his gas bill considerably. Dadgumit.

Also, according to Discover magazine, redheads have a 25% higher pain tolerance than the rest of us. This explains so much about Mark Storm.



Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i try to stock my sleep bank just to make it through class everyday.
i'm sorry, this comment is useless.

7:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can sleep for ten hours? i can barely sleep five...

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logan, get over your winter depression and start blogging again. Truth is, I got used to our silly discussions and am beginning to miss them. There has to be winter before there can be spring. Just the way it is. See that you're single again...my condolances/congratulations (whichever are necessary). but come on. I'm the one who's supposed to have no ambition. I'm the one who's supposed to be all depressed. I'm the insane one, not you. Come off it, Cuz. Come back. "Something there is that doesn't love a wall"

10:06 AM

Blogger Unknown said...


For your birthday, Molly and I purchased 100 cement blocks to help build a house in Haiti.

I would have put the 100 block on your 100 square feet in Tibet, but the community there turned it into a garden.

12:04 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Bastards, I hate it when they get to grow things and I don't.

2:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am a selfish humanitarian.

2:21 PM


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