He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Best Part Of Having Cable

Well, 7:30 in the morning, which means that Saved By The Bell is on. I wonder if it is on at 7 as well? That would allow me to watch it on the days when my 8 AM class isn't cancelled. I'll have to add this to my routine. I mean, what/who is more important than Zach Morris/early 90s television?

This episode has Tori of season 4a. This badass young lady was so spectacular that the TV webpage that I checked gave her a season of her own, as part of their senior year no less. Fall Balls are the bestest.
Slater's hair is so spectacular, I would have given it a season to itself.
OOH, Tori in a dress. "Girlfriend, that dress is going to kill." Also, Lisa Turtle is incapable of judging distance. Someone check for a glass eye. The side ponytail is one of the greatest fashion trends of all time.

"That is a really great shirt." I wish I had the fake valley-girl tone for that.

People often claim that SBTB was shallow especially in the depth of treatment of serious issues, but do you people remember the drunk driving episode?
I also forget that the Miss Bliss episodes portrayed 8th graders. Spectacular stuff, so true to life.
Lastly, can you believe that the College Years only lasted for one season?

Crap, Dawson's Creek is on, gotta change the channel.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logan, Saved by the Bell is on TBS from 6-8 every weekday morning

5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also all of the Friday episodes are of the College Years

5:38 PM

Blogger Adam said...

Saved by the Bell...


6:56 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Everyone has fond memories of afternoons, mornings, and weekends spent watching SBTB.

I am now pumped for Friday.

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall thinking Slater was attractive...

Now there is a dorm named Slater and all the wrestlers live there.

I think Slater went to the University of Iowa at the end of the High School Years.

I don't think Slaters are attractive anymore.

3:58 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Wrestlers are gay, so that proves my previous theories, but why do you have to hate on them purely for their wrestleriness. Slater was the first gay teenage character on television.

Do you know other Slaters?

9:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so does that mean you're gay too then?

1:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And lay of Dawson's Creek man, at least it wasn't the OC. At least Dawson acknowledged a world outside upper class fish-mongers.

hehe fish monger. all about the hamlet today.

1:41 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Tom and I were probably the gayest of all wrestlers. Dry-humping teammates with the lights off and what not. But we aren't wrestlers anymore.

4:35 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

OOOh,not just the college years this Friday, but the Las Vegas wedding special. Spectacula.

A note: I will actually say spectacular, spectac, and/or spectacula. They are all correct.

5:10 AM


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