He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Multiply the Idiocy On That One

I will be back with more as I am at my field experience right now, but I thought you folks should see this.
So, we now have new information on the death that I linked up with yesterday. Apparently, she was text messaging as she was walking along. This makes perfect sense. They say that talking on a cell phone is just as distracting as being drunk while driving, so it makes perfect sense that I thought she was drunk when she was simply using her cell phone.

A new twist on the dead, deaf beauty queen.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Logan, yes...I read your blog from time to time. I was thinking the other day that these pageants are pretty much the equivalent of dog shows. I'm surprised they don't look up the contestants' asses and bend back ears checking for fleas. Is there a Miss Blind Texas? It would be quite interesting to see what other varieties of Miss Texas exist.

Also, totally random, but if you are tutoring kiddos and want to read something short with them, get a hold of Walter Dean Myers' 145th Street Stories. Awesome collection of short stories, all set in the same Harlem neighborhood. I've had good reviews from my kids.

5:44 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

They don't look the contestants asses because it is only what is on the outside that counts in a beauty pageant, not the inner anus.

I searched but found nothing for a Miss Blind Texas contest. This type of discrimination is quite disturbing. I will have to write a letter.

My tutoring consists mostly of assisting with homework, checking homework, and playing chess. But I am getting bored with chess and might have to find that book.

9:42 PM


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