He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Outlook Cloudy

I have quite a bit of work to get done for my various courses tomorrow, but I have cable now, so that isn't likely to get fully done.
I am also somewhere near ten pounds overweight for my Friday weighin. It would be nice to know exactly how much I am over, but I always seem to forget something at home. This time, it was my scale (and my laptop charger, but I like inconveniencing Shane by stealing his).

In celebration of Saint Pat, we had a party on Friday. I believe that will have to be the last of the large-scale Clarkian parties. Small gatherings will still be allowed, but that was just out of hand. Tyrel claims to have counted 60 visitors. I never got that high, but it is possible.
The parking situation was also absurd. Apparently, by fairly early on, the culdesac was filled to the brim (curb), and the cars stretched out onto Jefferson. I would like to take this time to thank my lovely neighbors for not calling the police and my mother for building a well-insulated house. I guess I could thank Dale and Iris for not murdering me either.
Other thanks go to Seth for cleaning, Tom and Dan for decorating, and some wanker for robbing the tip jar (you are the reason this is the last Clark party).



Blogger Thomas said...

Hey, i saved you money by having you empty the tip jar.

10:24 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, we got there first once, but it was still too expensive of a weekend for me to repeat, and the cleaning was not on my acceptance scale.

However, do some research and find out how much it takes to rent out the Dover fire hall. We're going to the big-time now.
Early in the day there can be a corned-beef and cabbage dinner with dancing for the older folks and then a young people's drunk-fest in the later evening.

5:45 AM


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