He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You Don't Want To Read This

I was standing next to a man at a urinal today, minding my own business, when I began to hear a flicking sound. It took me a second to realize what the sound was...the young man next to me had apparently finished urinating and had decided that the best way to shake off any extra drops was to flick his penis. And he was flicking it hard. I thought it was all over after about ten flicks, but...
Then he started shaking, also quite vigorously, and did so for ten seconds. I have no idea whether or not his penis was especially peey, but that just seems excessive.
I remember the old rule of shaking it more than three times being playing with it, but what would you call this, genital abuse? This is odd, right?

Just thought you might want to hear about that. Ha. Now, back to teaching the future leaders of the world.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"peey" is my new favorite adjective.

3:59 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

It took me a while to decide what spelling to go with. Peeie was a close second, but I dug the Y a lot.

4:57 PM

Blogger Adam said...

at least he wasn't talking to you while peeing...my god that's uncomfortable.

6:11 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I was using a urinal with a one urinal gap between us. How could my presence possibly cause someone to flick their penis? Other than to keep down his possible arousal.

9:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was standing in uninal when a man six uninals down decided since I worked at Menards I could answer his question. So he decided to scoot down so he could stand next to me and while he was still finishing he asked me where to find some bolts. His english was broken so at first I didn't understand then I realized what he wanted. So washed my hands(he did not) and took him to the bolts. After I helped him he tried to shake my hand; I pretended not to see it, thanked him, and left.

4:47 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I think a six urinal changeover is pretty much unheard of, outside of the movies that is.

5:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets be realistic hear, there are only four urinals in a Menards

9:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Realistic HERE*, Menards is not a sporting venue

9:44 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Since this was anonymous, it could be a story from some super Menards like in Winona. They probably have sixteen urinals. I haven't been in the Rochester Menards since I heard about the Amish days, so I can't be sure how many are there either.

5:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

boys are weird.

8:40 AM

Blogger Adam said...

jesus christ i hate it when the amish decide to trek up to menards.

in the dead of summer the entire strore wreaks like obediah's body odor for three days.

6:54 AM

Blogger Thomas said...

we only have 2 urinals here at the Mankato Menards

11:12 PM


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