He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

*Cough Cough*

So....I'm sick again. And I am sick of that.

Also, I forgot my copy of the Satanic Verses in Eyota. I kinda need that for class. I hope the library has another copy around.

Interesting fact: it seems that I have been lied to by the promoter of the Rochester fights. I was told that I would be fighting for both the title I have and the one held by my opponent. Turns out, Jami doesn't have permission to have offered up that second title.
Due to that lie and other lies/threats/shady-shit from the promoter, I will be giving up my title and taking myself out of this competition. We had been talking about doing for a while, and I think I have finally accepted it.
I guess I won't be as much of a local stud any more. What a shame. Hehe.

I went to a party with all of the classic douchebaggy drunk guys. I seriously had a dude say to me, "You try that again, and we'll see what happens." I love those threats. Good times.
Oh, I think my being dressed in a rather short skirt might have led to a little bit of the troublesome threats I dealt with.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to step out of your gender role.

Speaking of drunken assholes, I went to a party like that. Well, half of it was the frat-boy type and the other half was the artsy-writer type. It was kind of hilarious actually. And even more hilarious after a few beers.

11:04 AM


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