He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Knee In The Face

Sadly, that has been the most exciting part of my life lately. After my scheduled fight for last week was cancelled, I tried, unsuccessfully, to get a fight in South Dakota for Saturday. Saturday evening I was putzing around with the sheep while laying down some mulch at the grandparent's Clark when I received a call asking if I could fight in an event in Medina (a far NW suburb of Minneapolis). It was 5:30 and the event was scheduled for 8. I accepted and got to Roch at 6 to meet up with my ride.
I got to the event as it was started and had missed the fighter's meeting. My opponent was around, so I introduced myself. We fought about an hour after I had arrived. I felt uncomfortable and improperly warmed up, but it was time to fight, so I had to fight. It went all three rounds. I dominated the first and third and took some damage in the second (that knee from the title). But I won a unanimous decision. So that is okay.

School is busy. Couple of tests and a paper due this week. Wooo! Other than that, I am just fighting and schooling. Boring. Boring. Boring. No real romantic prospects. How sad.

I'll look into doing something exciting, but right now I am focused on training for my fight in Rochester November 18th. My opponent is tough and skilled, and this should definitely be my biggest test. My cardio must improve.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

no interesting literature for you right now? now that is sad. i went to my first reading ever last night it was a poet guy named James Tate and he was hilarious. you know what i like funny poets. a lot.

10:48 AM


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