He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, September 27, 2004

"I'm out there, and I'm lovin' it!"

Ah, the first post, an opportunity to spout off to the world. Although more than likely I am just talking shit and no one but my friends and assorted relatives will bother to read any of this. My only hope is that I am not simply about nothing, that would make this blog seem too much like my real life. Anyway, this will be, in the beginning, just a place to simply state my life, times, and thoughts. If anyone bothers to check this mother out, perhaps there will even be real discussion.

I learned a number of thing this last weekend and each of them is probably, in the long run, completely useless, like a Police Officer at a keg party.
Firstly, when you punch a man in the face it will actually get you invited to a party where you can then see more people punched or kicked in the face.
Second. Men are even stupider than I ever imagined. I had always thought that you could not go lower than being from Eyota, Alabama; until this weekend that is. I was able to witness to young men tusseling over the proper manner in which to plug a beer bong. To plug or not to plug, thumb in thumb out. And with these men apparently thumbs up their asses. Any proper veteran would know that gravity is your friend and can be harnessed to control almost any liquid.
Third. Jeff is a P-I-M-P.
Fourth. This school is so scared of its own image that it is trying to punish the good and friendly people that inhabit these hallowed grounds. I refuse to summit and I won't go into a funk. Besides, I've got more in the trunk.
Fifth. Anyone is Irish after a night with the bottle.

Well this is the end of my first post, back to learning about homosexual tensions in the early 20th century. I would enjoy thoroughly to have others join me in this place. If you are wondering why I am using this as my journal rather than a simple notebook, it is simply that I live to converse with other. Well that and because I can't carry a pen, I'm afraid it'll puncture my scrotum.