He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Generally Unproductive

The one good thing that I have managed to get done this week was assist Rick in getting Grandpa George an ATV. It was quite an undertaking, but I think he is quite pleased with it.

For Christmas Eve, I cut my knuckle on a cousin's tooth during a grappling match. Good time. My family hasn't had its Christmas as we are waiting for Doron to come down for his birthday to celebrate it. I should probably go buy my x-mas gift for him sometime soon.

Looks like I will be practicing MMA in Lake City on Friday. Kevin called me today and is anxious to get back at it. We have some new fighters coming in, so he wants to get them some training right away. I'll still be taking it easy, but it will be fun to get a little bit of action back in my life.

I've been going out a good bit lately. But I don't feel like it is too much because the days I do spend at home are just so incredibly boring.

I haven't organized my socks, checked my grades, or done anything that I had planned to do this break. I'll get to all that soon enough. I am getting a good deal of tv watching and internet sitting around done. Weird, I am watching CSI, and Eminem is part of the soundtrack. I didn't expect that.

I have been watching the new MTV show Twenty Four Seven lately. I want to shoot me. But sometimes it is good to be reminded about just how douchebaggey I could be. It makes me feel better about myself. I still can't force myself to watch My Super Sweet Sixteen though. That'ld probably just be too much for me.

Okay. I better get back to internetting.



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