He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Final Thought

Sorry it took me so long to get back here with my final recap. I was kinda exhausted and still didn't have my schoolwork done, so I had to take care of those sorts of things first.

So, in one week, I went from 204 (weigh-in Friday night after I got to the Marine base) to 186 (official naked weigh-in) to 206 (my unofficial weigh-in last night). I'm the champ. Hehe.

I guess I have to be happy with my performance despite the fact that I didn't really follow my gameplan like I wanted to. After the first round, my back was hurting, and I wasn't scared to go to the ground with him after winning the first round from down there, so I just let the fight go there and made him use up energy getting me down.
The most danger I got into during the fight was the semi-BS kneebar that he got into right off of the restart in the second round and when he got the full mount on me for a bit. He didn't ever really hurt me with any of his shots, and I managed to mash up his face pretty well. Basically, I punched him whenever the slightest opportunity presented itself.
I also hurt him a bit with all of my upkicks. He was fairly flummoxed by my reach, so I used that to my advantage from every position.

I don't know who the UFC will offer me for my next fight, but for now I am going to take a couple of weeks off to get healthy. Then it will be back to training.

I want to get a car loan so I can have a vehicle to get me up to the Twin Cities with relatively good gas mileage, but mother says that my income likely isn't steady enough for that. Bah humbug.

Oh well, you stay classy folks, and, if you have any questions, post them so that I have something to inspire me to write more.


Oh, and if you are interested, my pre-fight interview, post-fight interview, and a couple of fight photos are all posted on the UFC website.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be making any local appearances for your fans?

9:56 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Is there anywhere for me to appear? How 'bout I go to some Lake City bars with Kevin, some Roch' bars with Jeff and my other friends from around there, and a few local parties with my Eyota friends?

10:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Keats the old dead poet guy you liked? Or was it always just Frost?

...oh and congrats on the fight...looks like your a celebrity now. Just remember to write a poem every now and then..you know, between fights.

9:25 PM


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