He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, February 26, 2007

OMG! WTF! It's the new blogger.

Today I was finally forced to start using the New Blogger. I wonder how long they will call it "new" for?

If you are wondering why I don't write about nature and pastoral poets right now, it is simply because I don't have a single literature class right now. My only English course is Literary Criticism and that dry ass drivel has little value to me. Although I do know a hell of a lot about The Great Gatsby now since one of our books is full of analysis of that.

I have been reading gardening books to try and get me through the seasonal depression. I am thinking about hopping in the car next week and driving somewhere warm. It might be a good idea.

I read a book the other week, but I've forgotten what it was. I got is for my birthday, read it in two days, and now have no memory of it. Is that bad?

I really can't remember anything these days. Lost my digi camera for a week and then found it in the pocket of some pants that were hanging on the back of my door in Winona. There was a gift card to Gander Mountain in there too. I've got way too much going on.

The show for next week is having all sorts of trouble. We've had two guys drop out in the last week, so we are scrambling to come up with opponents for guys. Luckily, we had three guys fight this last Saturday in Nebraska, and all three managed to come through without too much damage. Liffrig is now 16-4 after knocking out a rather large BJJ guy (Travis is cutting down to 185 while his opponent was 6'3" 240), Forest was dominating when he took a shot to the groing that was so hard he couldn't continue the match, and our little beast, Alex Rutter, continued his winning ways as well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Literary Criticism is dry as fucking shit, man. Bunch of intellectual fuckers who don't even read the damn poem and just talk about psychoanalysis or gender roles or Gnostic religion all the time. Chekov was right they are a bunch of horseflies.

9:09 AM


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