He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Holy Fuckin' Shit, America Under Attack

Have you ever seen that movie with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy where they spend their whole lives in prison? Yeah well, anyway, in that movie there is a guy that they call "Can't Get Right". Right now, that's me. I have been walking around in this sort of daze for a while now. I have been feeling odd for a while now, but then I discovered that 51% of the voting populous is in complete disagreement with me. Since that point I have been stumbling about like nothing really matters. I have been giving even less of a shit about school, but now sometimes my plans for life and working in nature don't even look like a good idea. And I am a guy who doesn't really have a passion for politics and who didn't do anything, except argue with various Bush supporters and drop the odd ballot, to move my views forward.
The evil liberal, John Kerry, has been defeated and I have been sorting the whole thing out. Generally I blame this whole thing on the Roman Catholic Hispanics and the general inability of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party to organize a pointed, organized party platform. While working as hard as they could to make Dipshit and Satan look bad, they forgot to create a candidate that anyone, outside of the party, had faith in his ability to lead our nation. While Mr. Kerry has some plans to help our people, he is unable to relate these ideas to the common man. The Republican party, however, happens to have an idiot spokesman, and luckily most Americans happen to speak that language.
Oh yeah, the religion thing. It seems that the American people, a predominantly Christian group, have decided that it is time to reconnect the church with the state. The are so self-important and so threatened by the freedom of others that they feel the need to legislate on the ability of two folks to marry and I think they smell the ability to take away a woman's ability to choose what is right for her body. And religion brings me back to Hispanics. This is the only minority that went in favor of el presidente. They also had the ability to turn Florida and instead of doing what is right for them in the social and economic sense, they gave in to misinformation. At least they followed what they thought was the right thing to do as set forth by their religion and that is an honorable.

All right, I have more but that is plenty of political talk for now. On to more pleasant things.
I just realized that I have nothing else. I am doing nothing of note with my life at this time. It is nothing, but classes, wrestling, doctors, and other boring stuff. Although I did discover the joy of a chiropractor. He provide temporary relief at least. Oh another fun discovery. Across the Missississississippi I have discovered all sorts of nice unkempt trails that have now become my regular running space. Something peaceful about running through the woods on deer trails with only the rustling of leaves to keep me company.
Well then, off to do something, probably nothing, but hopefully. Got to find a task to keep me from wiggin' and then when I am finished biding my time I can quit my job and be free to wander the state. I am scared to go anywhere outside of this state, except maybe to run off to Canada. I love this country, but I am scared of what is to come.


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