He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Off I go.

It appears to be 7 AMish and this is the first time in four weeks that I have gotten up on time for my bowling class. I guess wrestling is important enough for me to bother with getting up. Anyway, I am off to Embassy and the Excel for the next few nights and days and so will not be bringing forward any thought provoking ideas. I will, however, see a bunch of folks from around the state and perhaps even stop in at Hamline for a brief respite from the overly-manly nature of the state tourney. Just might have to get my fem-fix.
I will explain this once: Wrestling is the oldest and greatest sport in the world. There is nothing else that pits the wills of two men against each other in quite this way. This pulls at the pure, animal urge of all humans to be dominant in their own worlds. This is one of the last bastions of physical one-on-one combat that is left for the fighters of this world. I can think of nothing that is better suited for taking up my winters and the winters of young people around the state.
I say, combine the oldest sport in the world with the oldest profession in the world and get these fellas some real helpful cheerleaders.



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