He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, February 14, 2005

A thought that I found interesting:

All men-and women- are sadly, weakly human. They are inclined to expect more than they are likely to get, and to expect it to come easier than they will or should.

I have read things close to this several times, and I think it holds true, for the most part. We all more than a little lazy and to content to assume that things will come our way, even if we don't deserve it.


Oh, one further note, I am going to try and make a comeback with the Eyotan site mostly because I have nothing better to do. So check that out or you will never know what is going down with the po-dunk folks from Nowheresville.


Blogger Unknown said...


Happy Birthday. Molly and I bought a 100 square feet of land in Nepal in honor of your birthday. Here's the link to the story: http://www.altgifts.org/bin/site/templates/default.asp?area_2=full+project+layout&norelay_place=page&objectid=20B3621E0&articletitle=LAND+FOR+UNTOUCHABLES+%2F+Nepal&norelay_ai=5705A8DE67454841821CA74DEF2FDABE&norelay_gn=Development&norelay_reset=false&NC=8148X.

That's a lonnnnnnng link.

Welcome to your twenties you old man.

Doron and Molly

7:06 AM


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