He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I am old.

My memoirs are forthcoming. Or at least a short essay on my standard beliefs.

I believe that man is born to work hard and be honest, but society quickly breaks that base.
(Edit: Actually, this in not true. We are born without a concept of honesty and we naturally push borders and take as much as we can get until someone stops us. So...I believe that man is innately out to take over the world, society just crushes that dream...unless they are rich.)

That is a sample, the essay will consist of other such useless thoughts.

Oh, fun fact, if you checked out the one comment on the last post you would know that I am now a landowner. Now I need to make a trip to Nepal to do some work to make a nice garden (for the poor to eat from) on my land.



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