He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Fun fact:

Wayne has a squirrel that is now living in his house. It comes out and hangs in the livingroom and on the stairs when Wayne isn't around and then scurries around when he shows up. The damn thing caused my puppy to take a quicked (by the way, Scott, if you happen to check this out, that was the birth of a word) dump in the house. He had to mark his territority against this invader.

Yeah, now don't use this as an excuse ignore my other posts, I still require input.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

puppies that take dumps in places rock

8:29 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Update on the squirrel: it still exists.
(Tom seemed interested)
Update on the puppy: it still poops.
(Anonymous seemed interested.)

9:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Update on the squirrel: Little Timmy seems to have left the house. What a sad day.

4:40 PM


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