He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Lies, their (intentional misuse for Sarah) a good thing

If it wasn't for my ability and seeming willingness to lie, I would be sitting in class taking some survey for the RCTC people right now. But instead, I am here because I told the nice man that I had taken the survey before and was thus exempt. No questions were asked and I don't believe that I will be any worse of in life because of my actions today. And it isn't that I don't respect the man's job, it's just that I don't give a shit. He can do his thing, but I find bubble filling repulsive and I see no reason to give them information that they can use to make cheap changes to this school so that they could then increase the cost of tuition. I see the strings coming from their puppet and I ain't gonna play along.
Now if only my skills in this fibbing area had been going full speed when I was at the Legion on saturday night. Perhaps I would not have been asked to leave the bar area if I had simply had the presence of mind to tell the nice person asking for my ID that my wife had it out in the other room, she would have left me alone.

Also, it is worthy of noting that this using the morning to do schoolwork thing really does seem to be catching on with me. Instead of staying up all tired and sickly feeling last night to write some essays I simply hit the hay, woke up a little early, and whipped out four pages of essays. Depending on the grade, this might be my new plan for all things. I have done something like this before, but usually that is after going to bed and only getting three hours of sleep. Last night it was 7 1/2 and I think that is the key to this whole thing.

Hey, does anyone know how corn can go bad? Cause I was doing dandy all day yesterday until I ate some corn, it made my stomach quite upset and eventually led to some pretty impressive vomiting. That would be one of my least favorite hobbies and so this was not something I enjoyed all that much. It had to be the corn as I felt great afterwards, so I am just wondering what could have done it.

Alrighty, survey time is almost over so I should get back to my class and all that jive stuff.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

God damn, I knew you were going to bite on that one. Ya big dummy. Oh well, you been punk'd.

As for the corn, that was the second time I had eaten the corn from that can and it was not green. I think I was just sickly.

3:27 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

maybe you have an std

8:44 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, Brad did get sick too, so that might be a possibility.

9:38 PM


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