He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wrong time and place.

It is coming back. My rage has been missing for some time. I think I had it for short spans of a few minutes, hours, or maybe even a day. But now it seems to have returned for an extended period, with as much strength as it has had in quite some time, and I welcome it. I had become too content and even a little bit peaceful, now my anger with the world is back. I am still peaceful in my view of world solutions and still don't support most of the wars around the world. Large scale war does not suit me, but I do now believe in physical violence as a means of taking down the worst of the worst. Sadly, I do not believe that joining the military is the proper means of taking down the worst. I would be a pawn to too many, and that does not suit me by any means.
Also, unfortunatly, this thought of violence is not a good policy and can not work without creating more violence. So I must now do my best to focus my feelings into doing good and changing for the better. Rage can be useful for such things. It keeps me from being a little too happy with my situation and forgetful of the situations of the many others.
Perhaps my discontent is what awakens me so early in the mornings. Today it was 6 AM and I am grateful for all of this extra time that I continue to receive.
And now that winter is coming to a close, will this be the spring of my discontent?

Well, alright then, on to other things. 1.1 billion people live in extreme poverty. If you get the chance, check out the latest Time magazine. I am glad that my mother got a new subscription to that for me.

I need help finding ways to use my skills. A bunch of the gangs want be to join because of my Bow-staff skills. My ability to choose a direction and follow the path is not the keenest and I desire to make a choice. I have many choices, too many.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Haven't you ever seen the scar on my neck from my days with the "East Side Ridaz" of St. Cloud. I am still looking to get a chapter started down here as soon as I can afford a new bike. Wrecked my shit back up at school. The guys who caused the accident are the same ones that gave me this scar. But you should see them.

9:40 PM


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